Chapter 1.

Part 1. Arrival.

“Welcome to Sebero Secreto University.” the well dressed instructor said to the small group of new students as they got off the boat. “The entire island belongs to the University, except for the village. If you get in any trouble there you will have to answer to the local authority.” He waved his arm in the direction of the charming old European style cluster of buildings near the docks. “You are allowed to visit the village, but you do need a permission slip, keep that in mind."

As he rambled off the well worn speech, professor McGriffon took a good long look at the new arrivals, mentally comparing each to the files he had recently been given. Documents rarely told half the story. Who these people were could better be understood by watching them first hand.

“I will remind you that everyone attending has some connection to the hidden world, this does not mean they are monsters, magicians, aliens or other dimensional cat-girl demons. Most students here are normal humans who have involvement. They seek knowledge and skills to deal with it.” He looked directly at one of the girls who seemed to be the talkative type. “It is a top rule here that we act normal at all times and if something extraordinary happens we keep it quiet. This is one of the most serious lessons we teach. Having said that, we require you to report any odd events to your home-room teacher. We also expect all students to be curios and if you have a secret they will try to uncover it.”

“Now follow me, its a 20 minute walk up to the University main campus.” the professor turned his back, and listened for the grumbled comments as students picked up their luggage. Of course there were a few vehicles on the island, but it was tradition to have newcomers make the walk.

Among the new students were two who were not at all normal. Sarena Rexwave, a young woman with long dark hair and sea blue eyes, dressed very well in a conservative business outfit, and Helt Fangstein, a young man with short red hair, deep green eyes, who was dressed in a long leather coat and wide brim hat. They were listed in professor McGriffon’s note book as monsters.

Part 2. First Conversation.

Sarena looked at her two large suitcases. She could carry them a short way easily enough, but a 20 minute walk mostly up hill would be a challenge. Helt who had been watching her, picked one up. “Come on Princess, lets go.” he said.

“How did you ... no. I mean, thank you.” she said and fell into step beside the tall man.

“Truth or politeness, what do you think more important?” he asked.

“That's an odd way to start a conversation.” she commented. “You don't want to know the usual, where Im from, why Im here, what I do for fun?”

“Sure. Politeness is fine.” he replied.

Sarena gave him a more stern look. “How about you tell me why you were staring at me on the boat ride.”

“Because you are the most interesting woman for 1000 miles.” Helt answered smoothly.

“Mmmm right.” she said knowing that he was just playing with her.

“You chose politeness.” he reminded her.

“And if I had said truth?” Sarena asked after a silent moment.

“I would have asked a question that might have upset you.” he said calmly.

She was not about to be drawn along in the conversation this way, so she bluntly said “You are very weird.”

To that he smiled and replied “You are correct.”

After a few minutes of walking in silence, Sarena renewed the conversation. “Where are you from?”

“Germany, originally. Iv travelled a lot.” he answered “Most recently I lived in Canada, until I got tired of the cold.”

She felt better about this more normal line of conversation. “Im from the Philippians, one of the smaller islands. Iv never seen snow. I imagine its horrible with all the water being frozen.”

Helt didn't care much about the weather. “Like anything, its nice when its new, but after a while you get tired of it.”

“What about your family?” she asked.

“We are not close. I write to my father but he rarely responds.”

“That sounds lonely. Iv got a big family and Im close to everyone. Family is important you know.” she said with unquestionable faith.

Just then professor McGriffon called out. “Look there it is.”

From the crest of the hill the group of new students looked down into the valley. A large building stood at the centre, surrounded by many smaller ones. It was an odd mix of architectural styles. “Our first stop will be the student dorms.” the professor said pointing at a pair of brick buildings near the main gate. “You will have 20 minutes to settle in, then I shall give you the tour of the campus.”

Part 3. Hello Roommate.

The student dorms were large 3 level high, L shaped buildings, one for men the other for women. Each had a dining hall at its centre able to hold 300 students (only half the building’s actual population). New students were always given rooms on the first floor. A not so subtle hint that social hierarchy was alive and well at the University. Each room, which held two people, had a study area and sleeping area, separated by an archway. It also had a small water closet, but no bath or shower. The bathing rooms were communal use at the end of each hallway.

Helt Fangstein opened the door to his room. Standing in the middle of the study area, half naked, was a short oriental guy with thick glasses. He was in some sort of martial arts stance. Helt was not the sort of person easily surprised, but this made him stop. He stood perfectly still, letting his new roommate make the first move. Would it be talk or attack?

“Ahh hello. I am You.” said the short Chines guy.

“You are me?” asked the tall German.

“No, ahh. Yue is my name.” he said as he relaxed to a more normal way of standing.

“Nice to meet you, Yue.” Helt took off his hat but did not offer to shake hands.

“Welcome, I guess we be comrads now.” Yue said with a sight bow.

“I will try not to trouble you.” Helt answered as he took a quick look around the room. Selecting the unmade bed, he tossed his one bag onto it. Then we went to the room’s single window and gave it a careful inspection. Like the door it was solid and would stop an average intruder or delay a serious one.

Sarena Rexwave opened the door to her room. It was a mess. Had there been a robbery? “Hello?” she called in a worried voice. Was she going to find a dead body on the floor?

“Ya Im here.” came a voice from the sleeping area.

Serena left her suitcase near the open door and advanced into the room. A rather chubby blond girl occupied one of the beds. Books, clothes and other stuff littered the inner room. “What can I do ya for?” the blond asked in an American deep south kind of drawl. 

“Im assigned to this room.” Serena said trying to hid the disappointment in her voice.

“So your ma new roomie, sweet.” said the blond happily, setting aside the book she had been reading. “names Emma.”

“Nice to meet you, Im Sarena. Have you been here long?”

“Got here bout four days back, so I know where all the important stuff is now.” Emma said as she stood up and stretched. “After the official tour I can takes yas around and show ya whats what.”

“Thank you that would be nice.” she answered. Not wanting to say anything yet about the condition of the room.

Part 4. The Official Tour.

“Follow me. Try not to get lost.” said professor McGriffon to the small group of students assembled outside the dorm buildings. “Right across the street are the stables and the garage. You can borrow a vehicle or a mount, but you need a permit from the main office.” Walking at a brisk pace he started down the street towards the centre of the University.
“This way past the shops, we reach the Green. It is the communal gathering space, pleas do not climb on the statues.”
“Is that some kind of squid creature?” Helt asked as he looked at one of the old copper statues.
Serena looked very uncomfortable. “Its no one I know.” she muttered.

“The huge Gothic building with the clock tower is the Main Hall; it contains class rooms, staff offices, the administration desk, student council, the club rooms, and of course the Arch Dean’s office. The view from on top of the tower is great, but you need a permit to go up there.” Turning to face the less intimidating building on the opposite side of the Green, he continued the tour. “That is our Medical Centre, Dr. Fereno is our chief Frankenstein.”
“A monster?” Serena asked quietly.
“Frankenstein was the scientist, the monster didn't have a name.” Helt answered.
Pointing to the West of the Green McGriffon said “There is the Social Studies warren; it contains history and mythology departments as well as communications and anthropology.” The building didnt look large enough to house all that. “Next to it is the Economics bunker.” The name fit the ugly fortress-like building very well.

Walking up the street the group soon were standing in front of a long classic Greek building. “The Seshat Library. It is open at all hours. It is also the only place that has internet access.” A few students looked worried a few others seemed relieved. “That way, behind the Main Hall, is Science Row. All the hard science departments are represented there. Behind the Library are the teachers houses. Naturally that area is off limits.”
Out of habit Serena checked her cell phone for a signal, there was none.
Helt did not check his, because he had no phone.

Walking down the lane towards the South Gate, they passed the Visual Arts and Performing Arts buildings before coming to stand in front of the outdoor amphitheatre, which was carved into the hillside. “Once per month, weather permitting, there is a general assembly here.” Facing back toward the East McGriffin led the group along Religious Row. “Each of the major faiths have a building here. They have agreed to the University's tolerance policy. Debate is allowed, violence is not.”
“No witch burning, that is a relief.” Serena said happily.
“Tolerance does not mean they alter their view on things.” Helt said more darkly.

“Now we get to the fun stuff. The large building there holds the twin gyms and several smaller fitness rooms. Instruction in armed and unarmed combat is available after regular class hours. Next to it is the indoor pool, a bit smaller than Olympic size Im afraid. Across the road is the main sports field and the track. Behind those are the target range and the training village. Paint ball marches are held Sunday afternoon.”

Turning to face the group McGriffin ended his tour by saying “A copy of the student handbook should be in each dorm room, if you need a new one it can be found at the book store in the Main Hall. Be sure to register for your classes as soon as possible, seats are limited. If you have any questions, the admin office is open 8am to 4pm. Good luck with your endeavours.”
Serena turned to the tall man who had become her shadow. “Guess that is it for the official tour. Would you like to get a different view of this place?”
“What have you in mind?” he asked, looking in the direction of the clock tower.
“Follow me and you’ll see.” she said playfully.

Part 5. The Unofficial Tour.

“Follow me. I’ll show ya a few things the Prof likely didn’t.” said Emma to Serena and Helt. “First stop, the shops. Y’all got two cafes, one even serves beer. A fancy resto and a cheep eats place. A high end clothing shop and a brand-name-knock-off boteequ. For snacks and stuff you got this Quick-E-mart type place. And yea there's a used book shop right there too.” Serena nodded enthusiastically as they peered in the windows of each shop. “Best o all, Im told, this old storage shack out back is used like a dance club on Friday n Saturday nights.” the American blond added happily.

“Behind the hospital is a row o houses, see there? Them the Frat Houses. Only 4 are open right now; Alfa Alpha, for the elite jock types, Greater Beta, not sure whos in that one, Delta Vector Victor, for the science nerds, and Void Goth, looks like our boy Helt would be right at home there.” Emma said it with a smile like there was no harm meant at all.
Serena gave a small laugh. The tall German said nothing.

“Over yonder by the teachers street is the Pub, the Headless Fay or Helpless Gay or something like that. Students ain't welcome there.” She explained as they reached the Green.
“Not welcome or not allowed?” Helt asked.
“Not sure.” She answered in her southern accent.

“Oh yea, the student council also runs a weekly newspaper, called the Tell-Not Tabloid. Its got all kinds a fun stuff in it.”
“Local who is who ? And what is what ?” Serena asked with serious interest.
Helt rolled his eyes “Always with the gossip.” he said quietly.
“No so.” The short Filipino woman shot back. “Its important to know the social landscape.”

“Also rumour has it, tunnels connect all the buildings. But I ain't been able to find no way down into um.” Emma said after watching her companions glare at each other for a second.

“Oh yea, it ain't required, but you do earn extra marks if you join a club. In face I plan on starting one.” She posed proudly like the winner of some prize.
“What kind of club?” Serena asked.
“Monster integration.” Emma answered, “I wanna find ways for non-humans to enjoy more open lives.”
“Isn’t that going against the school’s secrecy policy?” Helt asked with a glimmer of interest.
“Yup – sure is. Y’all wanna help me shake things up?” the blond asked excitedly.


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